The Mariposa School for Children with Autism recently launched its YouTube channel at: The channel is designed to feature stories of its students and information about the mission of the school. This month the Mariposa School is allowing public access to the stories of three autistic children via YouTube. According to the academic team, showing off the progress these students have made is a way to raise awareness for the high quality education and the intensive one-on-one education that students receive at Mariposa School. The videos are a testament to the power of early intervention for children with developmental delays.
The Mariposa School is making strides to promote successful teaching techniques for autistic children uploading films like “Max’s Story,” a film about a non-verbal student at Mariposa who communicates only through signs;
“Meghan’s Story,” about a student who has progressed to the point of speaking and interacting with her family;
and “Boston’s Story” about a boy who has learned to enjoy his parents and interact socially with them & others.
and “Boston’s Story” about a boy who has learned to enjoy his parents and interact socially with them & others.
Other films on the channel include an overview of Mariposa School and the importance of “Helping Children with Autism Early”
Even with the wide range of these children’s abilities and perspectives, viewers will find one thing that is consistent among all the short films on the Mariposa YouTube channel -- each student’s story is a real story with narration by family members and teachers designed to effectively tell a story of hope.
View the channel today :
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